Dodge Ant Infestations This Summer

Summer is a season to bask in the sun, have fun, and enjoy the outdoors. However, it is also a peak time of year for ants to invade your property. From damaging your home to spreading diseases, ants can be an unsightly and bothersome nuisance. Fortunately, you don't have to surrender your peace to an army of ants. With the right pest control measures, you can avoid the headache of ant infestations. Champion Termite and Pest Control, Inc. is your go-to partner for comprehensive pest control services that target and treat existing ants while preventing them from entering your home. For comprehensive pest prevention services, contact our pest control company in Florida today to request a free estimate.


Keep Your Home Clean

The biggest thing you can do to prevent ants from entering your home is to ensure you keep it clean and that food items are stored in sealed containers. While ants are attracted to food, they are also attracted to sweet and sticky substances. As with most common household pests, storing food (for people and pets) in sealed, air-tight containers is essential. Restricting access to food sources means ants won’t be able to gain access and will steer away any other pests also looking for a food source.

Seal Off Cracks & Holes In Exterior

Once you’ve removed food items, it’s time to start preventing ants from entering your home. Act as a scout and search in and around your home that could be potential entrances for ants. Sealing cracks around windows, doors, and your home's foundation with caulking can eliminate many obvious entrances for ants to use. These sealants will degrade over time and with exposure to the elements, so it’s best to keep an eye on them and reapply as needed.

Clean Ant Trails

If you’ve already developed an ant problem, it’s important to identify where they’re coming from and eliminate their trails to prevent them from continuing to enter your home. A simple application of a vinegar and water mix along the length of the ant trail will disrupt the ants and force them to find a new path to their food source. Ants leave scent trails for other ants to follow, and you'll likely find others where you find one trail. It’s important as you’re spraying down ant trails to keep an eye out for deviations from that trail to other locations in your home and to spray them down.

Utilize Professional Pest Prevention Services

Professional service is the most effective way to prevent ants and pests of all kinds from entering your home. Professional services will conduct a thorough inspection, identifying entry points and areas of concern, and develop a personalized plan tailored to your home. Professional pest prevention services can effectively combat ant colonies and prevent further infestations by utilizing preventative measures. Additionally, by controlling ant populations in your yard through targeted extermination and proper landscaping practices, professional services can provide long-term protection for your home and family!


Pest Control

Don’t let pests take over your home or business. Our pest control and extermination services feature a comprehensive 12-step pest control program that delivers customized protection rooted in science to keep your property pest-free year-round. From cockroaches and wasps to ants and fleas, our exterminators handle it all.

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Termite Control

Featuring targeted termite treatments and prevention services, Champion Termite & Pest Control offers the most advanced solutions to even the most complex termite problems. We provide complete termite extermination, removal, and prevention services for long-term property protection against recurring infestations.

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Bed Bug Control

Looking for fast, effective bed bug treatments? Our expert exterminators have you covered. We perform extensive bed bug inspection and removal services as well as offer customized bed bug treatment plans to eliminate all traces of these pests from residential properties.

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When it comes to pest infestations, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Rest easy knowing that your property is pest-free with our pest control and extermination technicians. We offer free inspections and price quotes both for residential and commercial customers in Palatka, FL, and surrounding areas.

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